Thank you KSaraSara,

Really interesting.
I don't gush so well by this boards standard. but lets see what I can do.

It's really irritaing not knowing. I thought I was rather well versed in mood pieces of this kind, but evidently not.
Arawn, thank you for taking an interest. As soon as I go back to making trailers (I haven't made any for a long time because of a computer crash, which also caused that I was unable o "publish" the ones I had finished, which were quite a few - but those come later), I will also make my own trailer site of some sorts. One of the things it will include will be a list of all the music I've used, as well as my comments on them. Others have their site with their fanfiction, comments, fun links etc., mine will be about trailers and all things that go with them wink

I'm a big, big fan of film scores, and I'm always pleased when someone shows an interest in just what music piece it is after hearing them in trailers. So, I'm hoping to do something about it a few months down the road smile


Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay