Hi there guys!

So today I have a new video for you all. YAY for me since WMM gave me nothing but grief when it came to the audio. *sighing* (Dr. Andie knows my pain.) Anyhoo...hope you all like this one, and please do let me know what you think. I love to hear, er read everyone's thoughts.

Music is by: Tonic
Song title is : Count On Me (Somebody)

And ladies and gentlemen this one is a shipper friendly vid so if you're not into that sort of thing...too bad! laugh

Later Guys and Gals!

Count On Me (Somebody)

Clark: There's no such word as chumpy.
Lois: Sure there is. Someone's a chump, therefore he's chumpy!"
Clark: Try again.
Lois: Are you challenging me?
Clark: You bet your sweet little chumpy I am!