Hey guys! Miss me? David asked me to do this video along time ago, I said no why don't you do it. Long story short I picked up the project. It was one of the hardest videos I've made. It wouldn't save, or it froze, or I couldn't make it fit right. I've been working on this for along time now and finally it's finished. The song is "I just wanna live" by Good Charlotte. I used them for another video "Predictable." This video really has no plot line. *shrugs* But it's fun. Also a thank you goes out to David and Sas for helping me with the song and stopping me from tearing my hair out. On to the video....
I just wanna live


Tempus: Because you are, in a
word, looney toons!.

Inmate: Looney toons is two words.

Tempus: Not if you say it fast.