Hi y'all.

I hope people don't get mad at me or groan or whatever.

I was just wondering if it is just me (and my group of pals) or not...but the subject lines are becoming difficult to differentiate.

Most of them start with 'new video' or something to that nature. They are all at one point a new video and well when they are not...how do you know? (Gee you can tell I'm so not a writer). I know you can tell by looking in on the thread, but I think it would be easier if the title of the vid/trailer would be first. Perhaps no 'new video'. That would be the main part and would look more consistent. Right now you have to weed through it.

The arrow idea that was put here was a great idea to make it pop out.

Well I just wanted to say WOW! So many new vids lately. I’m going to watch them tomorrow b/c I should go to bed. I can hardly wait!!! (wow, one for the story I am currently following - A Better Place.)

Thanks everyone, please don’t groan to much.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.