OK I'm going to be very honest here. I was drunk when I first watched the video. I was with sara and rachel and when we got home I was like I'm going to watch some videos I guess. I didn't remember the video very well so I rewatched it because I wanted to give better fdk. Now on to the fdk the REAL fdk. I loved this video. Now i'm going to admit something here and if Rachel so much as smirks at me i'll cry. That video was the only video where I honestly wanted to cry. That was so touching for lack of a better word. It really made me think about how one person can affect so many people's life and maybe i was just thinking to much there. But that video made me wanna be a better person. Ok you can all stop laughing at me. Great job!

Tempus: Because you are, in a
word, looney toons!.

Inmate: Looney toons is two words.

Tempus: Not if you say it fast.