Nan - this was fabulous - as always!!! I too would love to see Lois packing it all up and getting ready to give it to John. Can't wait to see what she packed for Clark [perhaps write the vignette and give subtle hints for us to try to guess and then, of course, reveal it fully in the next in this series [which I know there will be laugh ]]. Just a thought.

I too would love to see an extended scene of pizza eating with Clark and his parents and Bernie and of course Lois.

Yay for Lois pushing Lori towards him - a potentially awkward moment for them quickly resolved. And yay for Lori telling Clark to kiss Lois!

I actually read this yesterday while my students were taking a quiz and had to come back and reread it today to absorb it all again. Can't wait to see it on the archive!

Carol [running back into her cave]