Oh, happy sigh ...

Molly, I really liked this one. It's actually one that grew on me more the second time I watched it. The first run through any vid where I'm not familiar with the song tends to keep me from totally gushing, since I'm trying to both listen to lyrics as well as watch the scenes. But I came back to it (after all, it took me long enough to d/l wink ) and by the second time through, I had a big old sappy smile on my face. smile

I liked it very much. Very happiness inducing. smile

So tell me ... why the mpg vs wmv? Better quality, I assume? Sure is a heck of a lot bigger file. 30 mg??? LOL! I'm so spoiled on my broadband that if something takes longer than 10 seconds to d/l, I'm going WTH?? And this was so much longer ... 30 seconds, at least. wink Worth it, though. Nice job.
