Hey guys smile

This one's for Kathy, who nagged me to make more videos with one of those gape-inducing email that have you wearing a goofy grin on your face for days on end. goofy Here's hoping it will inspire the Muse for her current WIP. wink

Broken (by Seether featuring Amy Lee)

Yes, I know I said my job was keeping me so busy I barely had time for leisure any more. I know I said that video making was something that took entirely too much time for me to juggle between my job, writing fanfic, reading stories and video-editing. I know I said that the fact that I didn't have a lot of eps available made it hard for me to do another one, but...

... but when you hear a song on the radio that grabs the Muse by the collar and shakes it to life, it's hard to say no. wink

Anyway, this one was born in my head last Saturday, after playing the song Broken, by Seether (and featuring Amy Lee, the Evanescence singer, whose voice I absolutely adore) over and over and over and over again.

I spent every minute of my free time working on it since... but this video almost didn't make it to the boards, as my desktop computer decided it would be fun (hah!) to corrupt the file, make me redo it from an earlier draft again, only to throw in another fit and decide it wouldn't save as movie file. One more thing to write down in the "Kae has a crappy computer that's going to end up out the window" list.

Aaaaanyway, thankfully I had saved a draft last night, which miraculously didn't require much more tweaking. The drawback is that it's not as high quality as I'd wish it to be, as I saved it to 15 megs instead of my usual 20 - but I think dial up users won't be unhappy about that. wink

Many thanks to Sara Kraft, Saskia, LabRat and Elena, who saw an early draft of this one and gave me encouragement and suggestions, and to Annette, for uploading it so quickly. smile Thanks also to Rach, who gave me the last few clips I was missing to complete it. smile

Feedback is of course very, very welcome. smile

Yes, shutting up now. goofy

Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~