Hmmm... By zipping a file, doesn't that make it bigger altogether? I always thought you only use to zip something if you wanted many files together. Like the 11 songs of the soundtrack to Pretty Woman, and zip them to 'Pretty Woman'. huh

Anyway... I don't know the answer, but a friend of mine knows a lot about this stuff, so I can ask her tomorrow unless someone else in here know the answer.

But in the meantime, I can mention that the trailer for Masques is less than 3 mb big. What was it, 2.6, 2.8 mb? Anyway, so that one shouldn't take too long to download. It's definitely the smallest trailer available. That was my very first trailer, and since it wasn't really meant for everyone to see (I thought everyone would laugh at me <g>), I didn't fuss that much over it - so that one's got less effects, which makes it smaller.


Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay