Another awesome segment here, Shayne, just love those "small town" digs.

As far as Clark and Lilah, believe it or not I see something of a cool psychological bent here, Clark without a parental influence, Lilah stepping up to give him the love and concern he was craving.

He's in highschool, right? Not early highschool cause he's talking about college. I'm thinking he's old enough to know there's some line crossing happening here, Shayne's writing it that way, but bringing up the abuse thing is just nit picky.

Back in the late sixties, early seventies, it WASN'T a big deal, so poking at that aspect is just kind of pointless. On the other hand it will affect how Clark acts and thinks of himself later on in life, so that aspect definitely has a point, but not one to be harped over.

Just my view. Great installment, Shayne. thumbsup