Coming in late, but I had to tell you how much I loved it. This was wonderful. Yes, it was sad, but in a good way. (Um, can someone tell me why I'm the angst queen all of a sudden? LOL, who am I and what have I done with myself? <g>)

But seriously, this was great ... loved how you traced the poignancy of their relationship through the seasons. These are just the kinds of thoughts they might have in a moment of depression, or missing each other, wondering if they were destined to always having to separate for periods of time.

Yet the ending was wonderfully sweet and beautiful. Yes, they have their fears and doubts, but they also always have each other, and they can comfort each other. And you put those later scenes together really well, as CC mentioned ... from Superman landing to Clark walking upstairs, to him being too upset about his fears to sleep and her waking up alone, then reassuring him when he came to her ... love it, love it, love it.

Great job, Lynn. smile
