I'm just one of the old ones who has now come out of hiding...well not really hiding, I don't know, just some kind of break I guess.

Well anyway, if anyone remembers me I used to be big in FoLCdom, I had web pages and made a ton of music videos. I stopped b/c it seemed like everyone was doing it and I was getting emails that upset me to the tune of "Can I use your clips and just put another song over it?" and I just got fed up and gave it up. I also just got too busy to continue anymore and since I had lost all my websites due to a Yahoo buyout I had just lost the will.

Well, four years later here I am. I have made a new music video, have put up a few of my old ones as well but the quality isn't too great due to bandwidth restrictions and the fact that I want to save that for my new videos:)

I've had a pretty rough last couple of years so this is my own little way of escaping. I'll probably go back to writing some fanfic as well, I will be putting my old fanfic on the site for those who are interested...so I guess this did have a fanfic point anyway:)

the new site is at http://www.creations.dreamhost.com

Thank you everyone for your support throughout the years:)
