
I've been looking at the lyrics for "Everything" by Alanis. I thought it would be an okay song, but I have reached one line that I'm not sure would fit Lois. It could in one way....but not totally. I don't think Lois is p-a.

The line:
"My passive-aggressiveness can be devestating."

Passive-aggressiveness can just be expressed in your normal emotions now and then. Not like it's a continual problem that is detrimental to your character, but when it is, it can follow a passive-aggressive pattern where the interpersonal behaviour can follow these patterns:

Tries to please and fails
Aggression comes out in indirect ways
Sometimes agrees to do things for others and then doesn’t follow through
Often feels pressure to perform, and has expectation and fear of failure, procrastination
Also passive-aggressively defeats his own inner critic, so can’t discipline self
Sometimes acts out annoying behavior while not consciously knowing its impact on others.

I understand the song may not be getting into such a serious emotional pattern - just describing an emotional state...like when you are just sad and you say depressed; you are not implying you suffer from depression, the mood disorder.

I may be getting into too much here, but I don't want pple e-mailing me saying "Lois isn't passive aggressive"!

Can anyone give me any examples, that they feel, that Lois may be acting in a everyday passive-aggresive light?
Maybe I can use a section of the song for a project that doesn't include that line?

Should I just dump the project???????????????

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.