I enjoyed this video immensely. What a great song! You timed the lyrics nicely with the shots, especially on the word "thunder" each time, and I loved the way the episode clips went in chronological order. Effectively and nicely shows how their relationship evolved in seasons 3 and 4 ... from passionate kissing (JSN) to quieter, sweeter moments in the later episodes (not that there wasn't passion there, too). I've had a kind of sour memory of season four, but your video helped remind me that wow, there WERE a lot of really great moments in those episodes. The song's lyrics are perfect. To me the video was all about how much they've been through and how despite all the pain and the hard times, they've still always been there for each other and can cry on each other's shoulders and snuggle and hold hands and be adorable. And then again also how happy Lois is that she found Clark, and that she opened up her heart to him. Very nice work, and great song choice as well. Can't wait to see the next one.

Ems smile
