As you all probably know, in addition to horseback riding, writing, reading, running and acting, I've recently developed a new obses..err, hobby: making videos. <g>

Trailers for fanfic.

Now, I've made myself a rule that I always *ask* the author of whatever story I'm working on permission about doing a trailer for it. But I don't ask before I get an idea on how to do it, and I start taking some notes, upload some clips and start working on it. Only when I'm sure I'm able to finish it: that's when I ask, because I don't want the author to know about it, and then I go, "Oh, I didn't manage to do it after all."

So I was just wondering... Anyone in here who do not want a trailer for their story? If you don't, could you just place a post here saying so? Or maybe email me at ?

That way, I know what stories to eliminate right away. No matter what, I'll always ask the author for permission first, but this way I just..well, you know, don't have to think about the story if I know I'm not allowed to make a trailer for it anyway.

There are *so* many amazing stories out there, and I'd like to take a shot at as many as possible. But I *don't* want to offend anyone, so that's why I'm trying to be cautious about it.

Hope this made any sense.

Pelican smile

Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay