Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Superman is currently my favorite superhero, mainly because he's the other side of my ultimate superhero, Clark Kent. wink

Before being obsessed with Clark Kent...er... Superman, I got drawn back into the genre thanks to X-Men's Wolverine (Hugh Jackman drool ). From the list that you included, I'd have to say my favorite hero probably is Spider-Man, also due to the Spider-Man movie (Toby Maguire version) and some of the cartoons, but he's probably not my second, third, or fourth fav.

I chose "other" for my third, because those choices were missing some of my favorites.

When I was a kid watching SuperFriends Aquaman was my favorite hero. I'm also a big fan of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, and Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, but I don't know if they count as "superheroes" by your definition.

While I enjoy the Marvel movies and their heroes, they aren't as endearing as the DC's Justice League heroes. I'm thinking it's because they're ethics and morals aren't as upstanding as DC's code of honor. <<Marvel heroes, with the exception of Spider-Man are more likely to kill villains without any qualms and not worry about innocent victims. Although, I'd say I like underdog The Hulk, due to his Bruce Banner side >> I try to take in the whole person when considering who among the heroes I like.

I like Batman, too, but the earlier version more than the Dark Knight version. He's too dark and depressing. I like the Batman of SuperFriends, Batman (Adam West), and Batman of the earlier films (Michael Keaton), which is why he didn't earn my vote.

Sadly, there really isn't a strong female superhero whom I can admire (other than Buffy). I liked Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter) and she was okay on SuperFriends, but kind of androgynous (despite the outfit). I absolutely hate where they've taken her character in the comics lately. As a woman who has stolen Lois's rightful man, I don't see her as a positive role model.
Totally agree with all you say, especially about DC over Marvel.

For my favourite 'other' 3 I put Batman, Iron Man and other. Its difficult to choose a favourite and I don't don't know if these are my 'favourites' but I had to put Batman down as I greatly respect him and Iron Man as I absolutely love RD Jr and the films.

For the Other I have chosen one that is definitely a 'favourite' but a little obscure. Impulse. I just love Bart Allen - especially in the Impulse run of comics. I read his short stint as a grown up Flash and still liked him, but his innocent, impulsive teenage self is much funnier, cuter and sweeter. Haven't managed to read anything with him as Kid Flash.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."