I just ordered a book called 'Superman: The Ultimate Guide To The Man Of Steel,' written by Scott Beatty. In the section on Metropolis, it calls it an east coast city. This is a direct quote:

"Situated on an island separated from the mainland by Hob's River to the north and the West River to the south, Metropolis is a city that has never quite outgrown it's 'expansion phase.' New Troy encompasses the urban boroughs of the island itself. Park Ridge and its subdivisions are Metropolis's oldest suburbs, while Bakerline is home to the city's middle-class. Only the wealthiest can afford the oceanfront real estate of St. Martin's Island and Hell's Gate, and Queensland Park is home to the city's growing immigrant populace."

The accompanying map shows New Troy as an island surrounded in the north by mainland, which is Park Ridge and Bakerline, and in the south by mainland called Queensland Park. Two tiny islands to the east in the ocean are St. Martin's Island and Hell's Gate. The two rivers surround New Troy then rejoin into one on the west and deeper into the mainland.

Don't know if that helps, but the minute I saw that, I couldn't help but think of this topic! And hey, if I can't share my new book with L&C fans, who else can I share it with? smile