Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:

Interesting. My decision to vote for Clark had little to do with his hair, and much more to do with his smile and the warmth he exudes. As Superman, he always keeps himself very aloof and very serious.
Of course you are right about that, Lynn. But take a look at the movies, then. In the movies Clark isn't exuding warmth, and his smile isn't designed to win anybody over. In the movies, Clark exudes insecurity and reticence (Brandon Routh) and a downright hopeless geekiness and a great tone-deafness when it comes to reading other people's feelings and reactions (Christopher Reeve). Such Clarks can't be attractive. Christopher Reeve's Superman, however, seemed very sure of himself, was often smiling and certainly didn't lack warmth. Brandon Routh's Superman was soulful and suffering like a melancholy young actor, and he definitely looked much better than his hunched-shoulders Clark Kent.

You are of course right, Lynn, that it is LnC's Clark's very attractive personality that makes him so sexy, while his Superman personality is rigid andd stiff. But just imagine that the LnC people had switched hairstyles, so that Superman got the looser hairstyle while Clark Kent got the gelled-down hair. I think that the weird hairstyle would have taken Clark's sexiness down a notch.

[Linked Image]

Superman's hairstyle and Superman's rigidity...

But take a look at this version of Dean Cain: he's wearing a wet white shirt that clings to his body, but his hair is fluffy!

Fluffy-haired wet-shirt Dean Cain

Ah, sorry. The picture has disappeared. Well, take it from me, Dean's Clark-style hair was very loose and fluffy while his wet shirt clung to his pecs! laugh

And here is young Dean Cain as Clark Kent changing into Superman:

Young Dean Clark Kent Cain

Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent, not a hottie:

Christopher Reeve\'s Clark Kent

Brandon Routh's Clark Kent, better-looking than Christopher Reeve's Clark, but not up to Dean Cain's:

Brandon Routh\'s Clark Kent

Finally, take a look at this link showing Clark Kents through the ages, although whatisname from the Smallville show isn't on the list. But if you look at the Clarks there, who is the hottest one? Yes. Hmmmmm. I thought so.

Clarks through the ages
