Aliens! ... Whenever given the possibility, go for the alien explanation. Also, I think the backwrds brain could be a beautiful thing. Always try to put a positive spin on RL events. but also thinking aboout the ethics here - is it bad manners to be wondering about the *cause* of someone's appearance? So actually what to answer??? Too complex for this early in the morning. But ... was she wearing more than 2 earrings? How large were they? What was her age? Did she have a dog with her? A companion? Was she wearing clothes? Need more info to answer.
You’re a riot, Carol. But yes, I needed more info to answer, too. That’s why I chose “other” for both.

I can has cheezburger,
I love that site.

I think my "other" on the second one is that she's going to regret it come winter, because her head will be cold...
I thought this, too, but more precisely that her ears would be cold.

I chose other for both questions. The people I’ve personally known of that did this, did it proactively because they were losing their hair - usually to cancer, or for some other specific reason - like in support of someone with cancer. Mom was just starting to lose her hair when she died, but if she’d lived longer, I probably would have shaved my head in support.

I chose other for the first question because, as a nurse, I’ve noticed that most people with cancer usually have a certain sickly look about them. If the person had alopecia, I wouldn’t even think about that. I’d think they shaved their head for some other reason.

I chose other for the second question because I probably would have thought she was a little weird, which come to think of it, I guess bizarre fashion sense would have worked for that.

Having said that, I wonder why we would think this so odd when we don’t think it’s strange that a male would shave his head (even if he has plenty of hair). We would have thought it very strange not very many years ago though. I suppose that’s a fashion thing that we have gotten used to. If more women started shaving their heads (I’m not suggesting this.) then we’d probably get used to that, too.

And, as an aside, I remember when Persis Khambatta was in the movie Star Trek (the first one) that I thought she was very beautiful bald. Here's a link: Persis Khambatta bald - Star Trek

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~