I say Merry Christmas. It is what I'm celebrating and America was founded on religious freedom and tolerance. So I should be able to say Merry Christmas. If you want to say Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanza (SP?) or whatever that is fine. I'm not offended. You are simply celebrating whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of year and wish me the same joy you feel.

No one asked me if I'm offended by some of the customs and dress practiced by others but I'm not suppose to visually (or verbally) practice my Christian religion because it might offend someone. THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON THE IDEA OF RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE. So people stopped being offended by every little thing and as you practice your beliefs (Christian and non-Christian) practice tolerance first and foremost. If we did that the world wouldn't be in the mess it is currently in.

JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION. NOT FACT JUST MY OPINION. I'm not trying to offend anyone with my comments. I hope each and everyone one of you have a joyous whatever holiday you celebrate.