Well fiddle-dee-dee! This has been a nearly 15 year long obsession of mine!

I Loveitloveitloveit! The Book mostly, but even the Scarlett mini series, which was really quite awful, was nice to watch. I even bought it off ebay. Hey, anything to feed the obsession. blush

And I'd still like to see the show even though the critics haven't been kind.

Do you read the fanfics? I just posted the first chapter of my first ever proper fanfic on fanfiction.net and have 16 reviews so far! Yippee!!! But, oh, the pressure to produce more!

Would Clooney make a good Rhett? Maybe. He's a bit short and a bit old, but I think he'd do a better job than Timothy Dalton. Who else? Let me ponder that.

me goes off to ponder...

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.