I want to see the Indiana Jones film eventually, though I'll probably wait for the DVD. I'm not really interested in Sex and the City, I never got into the TV series. To be honest, I'm more interested in The Dark Knight, the forthcoming Batman movie, than either of them.

Add to this, I've just seen a poll about people's favorite Indiana Jones films - can't link to it because you need to be a registered user of a commercial site to see it. Out of 330 votes so far they got

Raiders - 63%
Temple of Doom - 5%
Last Crusade - 22%
Young IJ chronicles (TV series) - 3%

with the other 5% split between various silly alternatives and don't know.

I think one reason why I'm happy to wait for the DVD may be a slight worry that Crystal Skull will be another turkey like Temple of Doom.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game