Sorry, Tank,

I've written about Jimmy and I think he's a character with a lot of unrealized potential. If you don't, that's fine, but I never let myself be stopped by the opinions of others -- anymore, anyway. The last time I did that was in 4th grade when a boy I already disliked told me girls don't play the trumpet. I discovered what he was full of in 7th grade, when I met my best friend for the next two years, who played the trumpet like a pro in the school band.

I don't think there's any character not worth writing about. If you can write well (and there are a lot of very talented writers in this fandom) then you can take pocket lint and make it interesting if you are willing to put the effort into it. As a matter of fact, I see several names in this very thread that I bet could do it, including its originator.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.