And, in dead last, in alphabetical order.

0% Dr. Elias Mendenhall
0% Dr. Voyle Grumman
0% Dragon
0% Herbie Saxe
0% Mayor Frank Cerkowitz
0% Tommy Garrison
0% Wolcott
Okay, I need some help here. I'm not entirely sure who some of these people are. So... Let's see if I get this right.

Dr. Elias Mendenhall - isn't he the doctor who was brainwashing people into becoming murderers in Forget Me Not?

Dr. Voyle Grumman - no idea

Dragon - isn't he the guy who became Secretary of State under President John Doe in Lois and Clarks?

Herbie Saxe - no idea

Mayor Frank Cerkowitz - no idea

Tommy Garrison - isn't he the boxer from Requiem For a Superhero?

Wolcott - isn't he Jefferson Cole's assistant in The People v. Lois Lane?

Please let me know who these people are. Otherwise, how can I fit one or more of them into a story? laugh

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane