Okay, in two days, or three, we will know what is going to happen to Harry Potter. But I would really like to know what your preferences are. Do you want Harry to survive? (Yes, well, I guess most of you do. laugh ) Would you like Voldemort to be defeated in the upcoming book once and for all, or would you prefer J.K. Rowling to produce another seven books where Harry and Voldemort keep fighting each other? What other things would you like to see in this new, last(?) book?

I gave up on Harry after the first three books, so I'm not good at making suggestions about what you hard core Potterites might want to see! In this poll I'll just ask you what story developments you'd like to see in the last book, and then I'll just make a few suggestions. So please post your own comments and tell me what you would really like to see in the last(?) Potter book!