I appreciate the actors who brought the characters to life, but my interest is strictly in the characters, not the actors.
I agree with Pam on this.

My general rule is that I love a character, not an actor. For me, a great actor is one I don't recognise, even though I've seen him / her in countless roles before. They can't just be good looking or cute, they have to have real range and power. (Yeah. I know. I don't ask for much, do I?)

I guess, what I like is good, old-fashioned character actors, not stars. smile

I think knowing too much about an actor actually detracts from the roles he / she plays. For me, knowing what was going on behind the scenes makes it harder for me to suspend disbelief when I'm watching what's in front of me. (I don't usually bother watching all those extra bits that come on DVDs. I don't usually want to know how things are done, either!)

So, when big name so-called stars leave their UK soaps amid lashings of hype and publicity, and get signed up to do TV dramas... I'm almost guaranteed not to watch! (But that's a whole other issue.)
