Until recently I was on IRC every week day. Work has been a killer these days and I haven't had a chance to sit down at my desk and relax for even a moment.

Our division is switching over to an Agile process (I do software development) and our team has essentially been designated the guinea pig. If we succeed, we'll be held out as the proof of concept, something the higher ups really want. So we've been under the gun for the last several months now. On top of that Wal-mart, one of our larger customers, put product demands on our team at the very same time. So going Agile while at the same time you have deadlines imposed on you essentially means we don't even get to sleep on our own time.

So in terms of chat, I chose pretty much every weekday since that was my usual practice. One of these days I'd like to get back to that. Maybe by August things will settle down?

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin