I liked "In Cat's Corner" too, and I really like "A Match Made in Chicago" - I wrote feedback (don't know if the e-mail address is still active, though) after the second time I read it - I so much wish there was a sequel. I really feel like Lucy gets panned sometimes. We got very little of her character, I know, so she can basically be whatever the author wants, but sometimes I think it's taken overboard.

Then again, I think the same thing about Cat. I just have a soft-spot for the "barely-there" characters from all fandoms and like to think the best of them.

One day I went though the archive just looking for fics on Lucy, Cat or Jimmy. Didn't find much, though I did find a few gems. I like fics where these characters are treated as people, rather than as comic relief, even though that is the function they often filled on the show.

I like fics that take their feelings into consideration. Plus I love the dynamic between Lois and Cat. For all that Cat is catty and rude to Cat, Lois is the same way to her. I swear they enjoy it.