Individual authors, of course, would have to speak up for themselves and say whether this would bother them or not. Certainly though, I would hesitate to term any feelings they might have on the subject, either way, 'odd' or 'weird'. If they feel uncomfortable about others cutting and pasting bits of their stories onto a forum they never intended it to be on, then I think that's entirely up to them.
Labrat, are you seriously suggesting that there has never been a story "discussed" on this forum that wasn't posted here first?

Because that's what "onto a forum they never intended it to be on" sounds like only taken to an extreme. That's what seems odd or weird to me about this entire concept, not anyone's feelings. It simply seems downright convoluted to imply that a story has to have been posted on any forum in its entirety before permission can assumed to be granted for readers on that forum to even quote a single line from it. I guess I assume permission is automatically granted pretty much universally once a story is distributed on the web at large. Otherwise why link to the archive at all if you could never talk about the older stories there?

Which is kind of what I thought this thread was addressing - how to help new readers find old stories. Quotes and small excepts are wonderful ways to do that without having to repost the entire story.

Now if we're talking about a specific issue of quoting nfic content, then that's what the nfic forums are for. Aren't they?

EDIT: Just realized I missed something Labrat said the first time around.

I'll admit, I'd be slightly wary of this, having had a bad previous experience when people who'd never read my story started dissecting segments of it negatively because they didn't understand the context of the posted segments. If someone's going to constructively critique one of my stories, I kind of like them to have actually read it first.
But isn't that more a critiquing issue than a quoting one? I mean, isn't that why authors are encouraged to put a statement on the story regarding public/private feedback/criticism?

BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"