Usually, I read here OR on the Archive. I used to just read the Archive; then I came to the boards for a while. Then there wasn't anything being posted at the moment that I really cared much about reading as soon as possible (sorry!), so I went back to just hitting the Archive every week. Then something was being posted (Nan's new Home story, I think -- the series that got me into fanfic, what can I say?) that drew me back to the boards and I started reading here again.... But since most things going to the Archive show up here first, now I'm back to not visiting the Archive.

And consequently didn't even notice there was a new MLT story. Hm.

Maybe authors who choose not to post story parts to the boards should instead post an announcement that they've got something new up?

As to feedback, I leave it if I've got something to say -- I'm usually quiet when I'm just reading and enjoying. Now, I'll post when something leaps out at me -- the nFic story where L&C had been making love every four minutes for eight years, and Clark couldn't figure out why Lois was tired, for example. goofy