I thought of this poll yesterday. Funnily enough, it matches with Wendy's poll.

"Tragic Irony" is a term first used in the Ancient Greek drama. It's when the heroes don't know something the viewers do know, and it's used to make the viewers more anxious about what's going to happen next. It's different from a spoiler. L&C ex.: Lois doesn't know Clark is Superman, but the viewers do, because they see Clark spinning into Superman's costume, saving the day etc..

Do you like "Tragic Irony" in what you watch/read? Do you like to see the heroes struggling to find the truth you already know?
Do you prefer not knowing something the heroes don't know? Like, for example, in many mystery books, when the POV is centered around the hero and you only know what s/he knows?
Do you like both styles equally?
Do you prefer having just a bit of 'teasers' that do not reveal anything for certain? (i.e. "The shadowy figure picked up something from the hero's drawer and left, thinking it would come in very handy.")
Does it depend of the kind of story?
Do you have another opinion you'd like to share?

Personally, I like both ways. Each one has its merits smile

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...