Lol, since it was my post that seems to have started this poll, I suppose I'm obligated to explain my position.

It's odd, but I have very little tolerance for suspense -- especially when I write suspense all the time. It's a little different when I'm writing it, because I know what's going to happen.

I used to have more tolerance for suspense, but not much. What killed what little I had were a few books where I had really gotten to like the characters and then they ended badly. That did it.

At 57, I feel like I've done enough of the tragedy thing. I've had plenty of bad things happen in real life, and I read, watch television, or go to movies for escape. If it's going to end badly, I want to know so I can avoid that particular story/production/whatever. If I want to feel bad all I have to do is talk to my sis about my mother's Alzheimers or watch the news, or something. I don't need to go looking for it.

I don't read the details of the stories, because I want to see how everything evolves. That's part of enjoying the story, but at the same time I know I'll enjoy all the problems the characters endure much more if I know it's going to turn out all right in the end.

And that's the whole explanation.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.