My muse and I cooperate most of the time. I usually have a general idea what I want to do and where I want to go, and she goes along with me, although it's usually best if we have a certain amount of pressure due to reader expectations to prod us into action.

Now and then we get temporarily stuck and start a second story in the middle of writing the first one. It's sometimes necessary while we work out exactly how to get from part a to part b. (See the Wedding series that came into being while Twins was in progress). So far at least, my muse and I have always managed to finish every story, but that's because she's a very concientious muse who doesn't like to disappoint people, and as for me, I love telling stories. All that nice FDK is great for feeding the addiction, too.

Of course, sometimes she's just completely stubborn and runs off for days at a time when I'm dying to start a new story, but haven't a clue what to write about. laugh


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.