Interesting poll, Laura - but what disappointed me was the lack of options other than US political party designations/political philosophies appropriate to the US. Essentially, we can be liberal, conservative or something in between. There are options further to the right and to the left, and it might have been interesting to see who would consider themselves a Social Democrat, Green, a Socialist, a Marxist, a Fascist (quite common in Europe, remember), a Libertarian or even an Anarchist.

I'm glad that you explained the American understanding of Liberal; in the UK and Europe, liberals are centrist and those of us who might consider ourselves socialist or social democrat wouldn't describe ourselves as liberal - yet on your poll it was the most left-of-centre option available. I do realise that you're doing this with an eye to the American election, and that in itself is interesting, but some wider options would have been good too. Just a thought! smile

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*