I have to say that I had it figured out pretty soon and later installments (and a conversation with you on IRC) only made me more sure of my conclusions, Mary.

And please don't say "you're style was obvious" because I don't know what that means
I'm sorry, but in this case I have to say that your style did give it away for me. I've never been good with catching people's style. Until I studied journalism. I've learned now to reconize certain styles and to connect it with people. For example, if I read the city pages of my paper, and it says 'by one of our reporters', I can read it and tell the name of the reporter. So it helps I interned there and know what each journalist there usually writes about, but still, it's often the style that gives it away. And in your case, it was the style too.

With style I mean the tone of the written thing, the tenses, lenght of sentences, use of words, word order, lengt of paragraph, use of narrative, showing/telling, is there action, do the characters talk or think a lot, and so on. Your story had some humor in it that I accociate with you, it was light of tone, mostly short sentences and lots of talking going on.

I hope you understand now what I mean with style. Let it be clear that I'm no expert on it, and that I often think while rereading my own work 'did I write this? Can't be!' But I'm paying more attention to stuff like this.

There were also other things about your entire aproach of the idea of a secret identity that made me think of you. I think it was a spur of the moment idea you had. You were writing the story as you went (you do that too with One Strange Year - get your muse in gear for that, please <g>), so it didn't seem as well planned out at first.

But in the end, I have enjoyed the story and I think there's far more to it than you've just now given us. So I wouldn't mind if you continue this. And please, just write anything you feel like! You don't have to stick to one category. I hope you'll notice that the more you write and the more you develop.

I hope I've explained it well enough now.

Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!