Well, this is a COMPLETELY irrelevant question, but it's been bugging me since school began and thought I'd ask you.

Has it ever happened to you to study a lot, feel like you know everything the teacher is going to ask, answering all the questions they ask, and yet in the tests and exams get grades that reflect just an average student?

Last year I had the best grades in the school, but this year my grades in most exams have dropped quite much, and that's just not me. I lose points for not noticing something I should have, or not having time to finish the exam, or, the worst: It doesn't occur to me I should do or write that little thingy, too :rolleyes: - never because I don't know something. My father says that it's because I stay up too late and I can't concentrate next morning, but it can't be, because I did that last year. I can't believe what's happening to me!! whinging

Thank you for taking the poll and for reading my babbling.
See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...