I am from Ohio. Therefore, I say pop -- never knew people called it anything different until I got to college! Pop is ao much easier to say it's a one syllable onomotopia! But after spending a lot of time with my college roommate, who is from Ohio, but is weird -- born in California, father from NYC but she lives with her mom who is from Youngstown, Ohio -- I somehow picked up saying "soda".

OMG when I got home that summer, my family (sister especially) picked on me like nothing else. Then in the fall I work at the concession stand at the high school football stadium -- where we sell pop. Pop is on the sign, we call the kids who are selling it "pop girls" and "pop boys." I really don't think an average Clevelander would buy it if we called it "soda".

As Annie said in the other poll, we can be brutal about people that don't call it pop! I'm not personally brutal about it, but there are many people I know who are passionate about their pop!

- Laura

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve