I too am a stargate fan and went to a sci-fi convention a couple weeks ago where Christopher Judge as Teal'c was a last-minute guest. It was weird to watch him on the stage laughing and joking about his experiences from the show. I remember someone(a male) asking him a question "How big---excuse me, how tall are you?", all the women from the audience laughed and Christopher almost fell off the stool laughing so hard! goofy

Anyway, I read most of stargate fanfiction out on the net. Sadly, there are very few stories worth mentioning and 95 percent are just crap. I know that's hard to believe but it's true. Ironically, the stories that stand out foremost in my mind are crossovers with stargate and other shows. You'll be happy to know there is a Stargate/Smallville fic and yes, the story is completed! Here is the link:

Also there is another crossover gem(highlander/stargate), it's one of the best stories I ever read. It really captures stargate's essence of SG-1's characters and a good place for the newcomer to understand either of those shows. Here is the link and the author's name is Ecolea, titled "The Changing of the Guard". I have to warn you it is really long and promise you won't be disappointed! smile

If there are any stories you would recommend, let us know! smile
