Thank you so much y'all smile

Oh dear. Baxter is imaginary, isn't he? *snerk*
My son had an imaginary cat. He use to put the cat in closet and drawer
Again, I loved the very subtle touches of humor-- Jake's fleeting thought as to how Superman can stand Metropolis. Baxter, and Claire's description of Clark and Annie "looking for" the "cat", and the bit about how kids slam doors and there hadn't been a slam. *sigh* the ONE time you'd actually WANT your kids to slam the door...
laugh laugh laugh

Jake is one of the best original characters I've ever seen, and it's a very talented author indeed who can make a first-person story both compelling and true to POV.
Thanks smile This was a really fun challenge for myself.

I hope y'all continue to enjoy!

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.