Hi Sas!

First of all, congratulations to you and Anna on a great and very well-run ceremony. You did a terrific job! thumbsup

Second, I voted no to another ceremony next year. However, you didn't actually ask the question I would have answered yes to! :p Because of the nature of the AltKerths and the categories included, I think a ceremony every two years would be better. Sure, we get new music videos from time to time, and new websites, and challenge entries - but not as many as we get new fanfic. And so I would be concerned that, by having an annual contest, we could end up with too few eligible entries, which could devalue the awards. In addition, those among us who tend to be more prolific in terms of making videos or writing joint or challenge stories - however good they may be, and Paul and Trenna, for example, leave me gasping in admiration at their efforts! clap - may end up dominating.

(I have to confess to feeling acutely embarrassed, as it was, at my domination of the long collaboration category, and a longer period between awards could reduce this kind of over-exposure. wink )

So that's why I voted no, but it is by no means a No meaning no more Alt-Kerths!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*