Thank goodness there are more people like me! I only came online to research for a presentation and and the first thing I did was open a window for the mbs! Before I even checked my mail. I spend way too much time online, I've recently decided that when I move out of home I have to move somewhere where they offer a broadband connection!

I was also looking into irc this morning and found a website - 'You know you're addicted to irc if...' Despite never having been on irc I recognised most of the terms and then realised that if you substituted mbs for irc, almost the entire list applied to me...

Oh, and at the moment the poll rests at 100% for Multiple times a day, probably cause we'd be the first ones to see it! wink

Loriel (must go and find my life... laugh )

"Inappropriate attachment" didn't begin to cover the depth of the feelings Vaughn had for Sydney Bristow.
~Ties That Bind by RJ Anderson~

I ramble at