Voted for "i'm too busy with other things to read there, too"

Before the crash, I was reading stories there, and commented, once or twice. Then after the crash I got so caught up in posting and keeping up with everyone/what was happening, that something had to give. The reason that it was Original Fiction was simply because it was moving so slowly! I knew that I could come back after exams and still catch up. Whereas if I gave up following any other threads, they move so quickly that I'd never catch up.

I know this isn't very encouraging to those who posted in the OF section, but I *am* planing on going back to it (and hopefully reviewing!) as I love sci-fi/fantasy stories, which seem to the majority of what is getting posted. I also never say no to fiction in general! laugh


"Inappropriate attachment" didn't begin to cover the depth of the feelings Vaughn had for Sydney Bristow.
~Ties That Bind by RJ Anderson~

I ramble at