I had to put other! blush blush blush blush

I think I had about 50 hrs worth of lessons! I wasn't very confident and eventually my mum and dad decided that the driving instructor I had wasn't really doing anything (about 30 ish lessons). So changed instructors and got a really nice guy, and another 20 lessons and passed first time with only 5 minor faults (you needed 15 to fail). Here in the UK, they've recently, ok, the last 4 or 5 yrs, (have I really been driving for 3 yrs??) made it compulsory to do a theory test before you could sit the practical. The theory test is really simple tho, 35 questions of mostly commomn sense.


"Inappropriate attachment" didn't begin to cover the depth of the feelings Vaughn had for Sydney Bristow.
~Ties That Bind by RJ Anderson~

I ramble at http://www.livejournal.com/~loriel_eris