I went for wring their scrawny necks. But I mean that in the nicest way possible. laugh

I like cliffhangers when it's natural, but I've noticed with some stories that when you go back later to read the whole thing in one sitting, there are a bunch of forced cliffhangers that make no sense when it's one piece. Cannot for the life of me think of any examples, though.

And I have absolutely no qualms about accessing L&C stuff at school. I blab about my obsessions so much that just about everyone who knows me knows what I like and dislike. :p

And...housework? Housework? What's that? Oh, yeah, cleaning and stuff... Nah, I don't do that. cool

(Seriously, though, I like dishes. They're fun. It's dusting I don't like.)


I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.