I'm still not sure if I have anything of "substance" to contribute to these boards, I guess time will tell.
You're doing alright so far! smile And "substance" is overrated anyway wink Mostly what we do here is play, after all.

As for getting flamed for holding the "wrong" opinion, well, thankfully it hasn't been an issue yet, and we hope to keep things that way. Disagreements are healthy. Flaming is not allowed. smile


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K