LOL! I do have a Mac and yet I got myself Premiere for Mac because I don't like iMovie (and :coughs:Idon'tknowhowtouseit:coughs:). And Premiere just rocks laugh

I kinda know my way around Premiere, at least that's what the guys giving me fdk for my vids say... but... I don't really know what you're asking for.
I learnt how to work with Premiere simply by try & error, so... if you use how to use the razor (to cut the videos) and how to drag and drop the parts, you pretty much know the most important stuff.

You can send me PMs for specific questions, though... or if you have MSN, I'm on about 24/7 wink


"Maybe I know what it's like, trying to find fulfillment in the wrong person. Trying to fit into the mold others expect of you."

"Looking for love" by DC Lady