So, I have a laptop that is not quite a year old. It's got a wireless card in the computer itself, rather than one I can take out. It was working fine and then recently, it's started refusing to connect to wireless networks.

It shows the network. It shows the signal strength. I click and it either: a) does nothing or b) says "please wait while Windows connects to the "NAME" network." And then sits there, trying to connect...trying to connect...trying to connect...and then doesn't connect.

Before, it was only doing this with very low strength signals so I figured that the strength was honestly too low for it to connect (despite it having connected at that level before).

Now it's started doing it with full strength signals. Both open and locked ones (and the locked is a school one that I have a key for and have been connecting to all the time without problem).

Any ideas? Is this a problem with my computer? With the card in my computer? Am I just nuts? (Well, that's a given, but am I nuts about *this* issue?)

Thanks in advance!


I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.