Does anyone else feel like taking out programmers and shoving computer chips under their finger nails. All day today I've had one software problem after the other with my computer. First I had a problem with my Verizon DSL software got that fixed. Even though the problem was that their software operates really stupidly. If you have more than one screen name you can't tell the computer to remember it because that locks you out of all the other screen names. DUH. AOL remembers every screen name and password and gives you a drop down list to choose from. Dumb or lazy programmer for Verizon DSL software.

Then went to load my newly purchased Norton Virus/Firewall software on my old computer and found out I have to has the SP2 six loaded. I took that off because it so screwed up my XP Widows computer nothing would work. Couldn't even get the restore function to work and had to take the computer back to factory setting. So now I have this new software that I bought because you could use it on up to 3 computers and I can only use it on the one with Vista.

Then I couldn't get on the internet because the Verizon software had morphed into another problem that would not let me use Internet Explorer or my AOL software. Had to call them on the phone and go through a bunch of stuff to fix that. Now I have no hair left because I've been pulling it out all day. ARGH wallbash wallbash

Anyone else want to join my torture party and gripe out software programmers.