My laptop has been acting werid lately. It started with almost everyone page I connect to has to be refreshed before I can't load it (I always get a windows error page that it's not there) Then this morning it just froze up no reason I wasn't downloading anything. I just was at reading a story only that one window open.

I had to shut it down manulaly then when I turned it back on at first it didn't want to let me back online then when I clicked on IE the page won't load it was just a blank white page no error message are anything.

I ran a test on my wireless card and it passed then clicked off my connect like it's supposed too. Then once it connected again everything was fine. The laptop seems fine now expect it still doing that error messages again and I have to refresh the page until they come in.

Could I have a virus on the laptop? Does anyonoe know any good free virus scans?

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