So at my school, I'm required to have Windows XP Professional to be able to get my computer configured to have access to their network.

Apparently, my computer came with "Media Center Version", whatever that is. (Version 2002, Service Pack 2, if that makes any difference.) Not Home Edition. Not Professional.

So, I can order Professional through a school store at a discount. There is an Upgrade and a Full Version.

The Upgrade says: This is an upgrade edition of Windows XP, not the full version. You must have a previous version of Windows 98, 2000, Me, NT 4.0 or Windows XP Home Edition already on your computer to install this upgrade.

I was told (at the school) to get the full version.

Is this true? Or can I use the upgrade?

This is a difference of $200, so I'd really like to be *certain* that I need to spend it all before I do.



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